Just a quick update on myself:

1) I manage to finish my list of tasks I wanted to do.. except getting a job at the Polo Club.. still waiting…

2) Most of my time is spent staying at home, run errands, sleep and eat. Kinda boring for a lifestyle right?? Well, at least I do exercise 🙂

3) No pool Xing Xing… No time and no one to play with. Haha..

4) Lots of free time to catch up in drama shows: Canto, Korean, English, Taiwan.


Now, on to my main focus of the day…At night I sit awake in my room thinking of what to write in this blog, thinking of how I can write each moment of my life as real as possible. It’s been a while. Yes, a very long while. During those times when I’m not writing on the blog, I’m writing in my head.. till I can’t really sleep at night. It’s 1.27am now. Finally, I decided to jot down all those thoughts into words.

Feelings and thoughts, to me.. are both very similar. People used to say, how you think will affect how you feel and subsequently, how you act. I believe those words are very true. Want to know what I’ve been thinking lately?? Just as how the subject of this post is.. misguided.

I don’t know why but when you’re here.. in the same place as me.. I feel as if something’s incomplete.. I wanted to end it so I can feel something new again but I never did have the courage to go for it. Admiration leads to obsession and in the end, destruction. This is something I must learn to control. I think my readers must be confused at what I’m saying right? Well.. not only you guys, me too.. Sometimes, I have no idea what I’m talking about.. just crap and more crap.

I’ve been very tired lately, mainly due to the late night sleep and inability to sleep.. Soon.. maybe I can end it soon..

Recently, I’ve watched a show, and this quote caught my attention:

‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.’ (Quote by William Shakespeare)